Also, the initiative of students to run their own ensembles at a very high level is also very commendable. 3 Solo Book SLAVA PA34 Repertoire for Double Bass Bk. 10 Viola Trios Any three of #5, #6, #8, #9, and #10 None 3 Latham LATHAM 722007 Single Class: B Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size, Ohio Music Education Association Page 52 of 87 Printed on: 12/02/2011 44.2B1 Latham, arr. _~ Ik5g0 cZ 880i~l~_'%,=Ht0dC(9. 3 Piano Acc. 6 41.1B6 Corelli Six Chamber Sonatas, Op. 1 ADLAIS 16.2A3 Dittersdorf Concerto for Harp 1 Pillney VND 16.2A4 Handel Concerto in Bb for Harp 1 Brundage/LeDantu ANYOE 16.2A5 Houdy, P. Sonata 1 LYRA 16.2A6 Lara Granada 1 Reihnhardt ANYOE 16.2A7 Salzedo Suite of Eight Dances 1 VND 16.2A8 Salzedo Variations on an Ancient Theme 1 VND Class: B Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 16.2B1 Bochsa Air and Rondo 1 Milligan ANYOE 16.2B2 Braun Pedals on Vacation 1 ANYOE 16.2B3 Henson-Conant Nataliano 1 GOLDEN, Ohio Music Education Association Page 30 of 87 Printed on: 12/02/2011 16.2B4 Ortiz Waltz for Dreaming 1 ANYOE 16.2B5 Pratt Little Fountain 1 ANYOE 16.2B6 Purcell Ground in F 1 ANYOE 16.2B7 Ravel Prelude 1 DURAND 16.2B8 Salzedo Suite of Eight Dances 1 VND 16.2B9 Sanders New Age Tango 1 ANYOE Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 16.2C1 Owens, arr. 2 GS No Catalog # Complete quartets (Vols. 1 Vln 3 LUDWIG 10370121 String Masters, Bk. 1 in Bb Major D. 471 All None 3 BELWIN K03871 Single PETERS H734 Single 42A17 Wranizky Trio Ex D All None 3 Thomas MEDICI OV09 Single Class: B Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 42B8 Bach, J. S. Fugue in F All None 3 Frost GREAT 20702507 Single 42B1 Beethoven Sonatina in G Major Op. Spiritual Snippets All None 3 GREAT 20732103 Single 01/13/2011 44.3B3 Haydn 5 Cassationsstucke Any two None 3 Pejtsik EMB/TP 50486167 Chamber Music for Violoncellos, Vol. 25 1 LYONH 16.1B11 Hasselmans Priere 1 LYONH 16.1B12 K.P.E. 43 None 1 Deri GS 50262000 Cello Music by French Composers CFN B2717 Single 13B44 Saint-Saens The Swan All None 1 Buechner CFN B2789 Single GS 50329300 Solos for the Cello Player SUMMY 0268S Suzuki Cello School, Vol. Deri GS 50329300 Solos for the Cello Player 13C21 Mendelssohn Students Concerto, in D, Op. 5 Piano Acc. 113 (Fairy Tales) Any one movement None 1 BREITK EB8587 12A39 Stamitz Sonata in Bb Major All None 1 Lebermann SCHOTT 49012253 12A38 Stamitz, Carl Concerto in D Major, Op. 51, #2 Any one movement None 4 BELWIN K03240 String Quartets, Op. CFN O5463 Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass Vol. 104 Any one movement None 1 GS 50256310 Single 11A14 De Beriot Scene de Ballet, Op. 14, #5 one slow AND one fast movement None 1 SUMMY 0270S Suzuki Cello School, Vol. 6, #12 All None 2 Dishinger 01/02/2009 MEDICI VV15 Nine Duets from Concerti Grossi, Op. Beautiful Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 2 Any one of #18, #23, #28, #34, #37, None 2 #38, #39, OR #40 BELWIN EL01324 Beautiful Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 2 Violin Book BELWIN EL02213 Beautiful Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 2 Cello Book 41.6C2 Applebaum, arr. 5, No. 23 All None 1 CFN B2691 Single SUMMY 0268S Suzuki Cello School, Vol. 1 Any one None 2 SCHOTT 49012254 Six Duets, Vol. Pepper 40 All None 1 INT 2720 Two Romances 11A7 Beethoven Romance No. Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 2 Any one of #13, #15 OR #20 None 2 BELWIN EL02381 Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 2 Viola Book BELWIN EL02382 Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 2 Cello Book 01/02/2009 41.7C4 Applebaum, arr. 8, 41.1C21 Pleyel Six Little Duets, Op. 1 Vln 3 HIGHET 12510 Easy String Orch Classics, Vol. Jazz Ensemble Chair - Andy Rice. 48, 41.1C20 Pleyel Six Little Duets, Op. << 4 in D Major, Op. 2 Any one movement None 1 Jansen INT 1207 Single 13C30 Romberg Sonata in e, Op. 99 41.1A13 Hindemith Canonical Recital Pieces & Variations #1 Any one movement None 2 SCHOTT 49003663 Canonical Recital Pieces & Variations 41.1A23 Hindemith Canonical Recital Pieces & Variations #2 1st AND any other Variation None 2 SCHOTT 49003663 Canonical Recital Pieces & Variations 41.1A14 Milhaud Sonatine for Two Violins Any one movement None 2 TP 154-00095 Single 41.1A15 Mozart Duet in A Major, K. 331 Any one None 2 INT 703 Single 41.1A16 Shostakovitch Three Violin Duets Any one None 2 BELWIN K04639 Three Violin Duets 41.1A17 Telemann Six Canonic Sonatas One slow AND one fast movement None 2 from any one Sonata Hermann INT 890 Six Canonic Sonatas 41.1A20 Vivaldi Concerto Grosso All None 2 Whistler/Hummel RUBANK 04472680 Violin Masters Duet Repertoire 41.1A18 Vivaldi Concerto in a minor, Op. The band, led by Ryan V. Scherber, will perform on February 4 at 11: . 9 Any one movement None 1 MUSRAR MR1828 12A29 Koczwara Sonata in C Major Any one movement None 1 Druner SCHOTT 49012238 12A30 Locatelli Sonata in g minor, Op. Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 #1 OR #14 None 2 BELWIN EL02490 Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 Violin Book BELWIN EL02492 Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 Cello Book 41.6C8 Handel Aria All None 2 Latham LATHAM 701111 15 Duets for Violin & Cello 41.6C6 Handel Larghetto e Piano, Op. Duets for Strings Bk 3 Any one EXCEPT #10 None 2 BELWIN EL02075 Duets for Strings Bk 3 Cello Book BELWIN EL02076 Duets for Strings Bk 3 Bass Book 41.8C1 Applebaum, arr. 14A41 Piern Piece in g minor All None 1 Drew 12/27/2008 BELWIN EL9549 Lucas Drew Solo Album 1 14A42 Porpora Aria All None 1 YORKE 514-05032 Single 14A58 Proto A Carmen Fantasy (#1 & #2) OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 No Improv. 8, 41.1C24 Whistler Selected Duets, Vol. UX. 14 #1 OR (#2 and #3) None 1 Rose INT 1438 Single 13A21 Goltermann Concerto #2 in d minor, Op. Click here for the conference schedule . 6, #5 All None 2 Dishinger MEDICI TV05 9 Duets from Concerti Grossi Op. 4 in a one slow AND one fast movement None 1 Cassado INT 1157 Single 13B63 Mozart Menuet (fr. Trombone Duet District 2nd Place 1st Alternate to State, WE Trumpet Choir District 2nd Place 1st Alternate to State. 13C3 Boismortier Sonata in D, Op. 18 #1, #2, OR #4 from any one quartet None 4 PETERS 195A Single 45A3 Borodin String Quartet #2 in D Any one movement None 4 MPBELA BEL225 Single Parts INT 1142 Single Mini Score 45A4 Brahms String Quartet Op. 6 Piano Acc. 2B 13C42 Gluck Andante (fr. (OPTIONAL - improvise a solo for one, chorus following the required two choruses of walking. 22 Any one movement None 1 INT 1425 Single 11A53 Wieniawaki Legende, Op. 1 45C37 Washburn Suite for Strings Any two contrasting movements None 4 OXFORD 0193850524 First Violin Vln 1 OXFORD 0193850532 First Violin Vln 2 OXFORD 0193850540 First Violin Vla OXFORD 0193850559 First Violin Cello OXFORD 0193850486 First Violin Score Event: Misc. 61, #4 in C #4 None 4 INT 964 Single 45A13 Dvorak String Quartet, Op. Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 #1 OR #14 None 2 BELWIN EL02493 Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 41.4C5 Applebaum, arr. /Type /ExtGState 21 Any one movement None 1 10/28/2010 BOSWOR 14027355 Single 12/27/2008 11B33 Rieding Concertino in G Major, Op. 2, No. Welcome to the Exhibitors' Application page for the upcoming OMEA Conference November 3-5, 2022 at Blue Mountain, Ontario. Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 2 Any one of #13, #15 OR #20 None 2 BELWIN EL02381 Chamber Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 2 01/02/2009 41.2C4 Applebaum, arr. II 46.1A7 Telemann Concerto in C Major (#1, #2, and #4) OR (#2, #3, and #4) None 4 Gingold INT 2360 Single 46.1A8 Telemann Concerto in D Major All None 4 HORTUS HM20 Single 46.1A9 Telemann Concerto in G Major #1, #2, AND #4 None 4 PETERS 9098 Single INT 578 Single 46.1A10 Vivaldi Concerto Grosso, Op. Finally, Orchestra strings must record the required scales listed for their instrument. 8, #3 Any one movement None 2 GS 50254070 Six Little Duets, Op. Student and parent e-mail addresses.2. 5 Piano Acc Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 11C32 Adler Little Suite All None 1 LUDWIG 10710371 Single 11C1 Bach Bouree From Third Cello Suite All None 1 MEDICI SV410 Single 11C4 Bach Bourree All None 1 SUMMY 0148 Suzuki Violin School, Vol. 7 NA None E m 0 Atwell HIGHET 23344 Single 49B24 Bach, J.S. V) Vla MASTER M3763F Canzonas (String Orchestra Repertoire Series, Vol. 10 Viola Trios Any two of #3, #4, and #7 None 3 Latham LATHAM 722007 Single Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 44.2C2 Bach Musette (fr. 14B19 Various Progressive Repertoire for Double Bass Vol. 12 Any one movement None 1 CFN L592 Single 11B36 Seitz Concerto No. 10 #1 AND #4 None 3 INT 541 Single Set of Parts INT 972 Single Score 42A8 Harrison Trio Any one movement None 3 PETERS 6428 Single 42A9 Haydn Three Divertimenti Any complete divertimento None 3 INT 2133 Single, Ohio Music Education Association Page 47 of 87 Printed on: 12/02/2011 42A10 Haydn Three Trios Op. 2 #4 AND (#1, #3, #5 or #6) None 4 LATHAM 723011 Quatrabratsche Vol. Monday, December 12, 2022. 2 Vla LUDWIG 10370131 String Masters, Bk. The adjudicator (often called a judge) is a professional musician not teaching school in the students' district. 20, No. 33, #3 #1 OR #4 None 4 Moser-Dechert 05/21/2008 PETERS 289B 30 Famous Quartets, Vol. Etude: Mazas Etudes Brilliantes, Op.36,Book II No.43 mm1-24(double barline), Scales: C Major 3-octave scale and arpeggio, Eb Major 2-octave scale and arpeggio. From our 22 regional contests, the winners in each category move on to the state . 1 in D Major, Op. 1 All None 1 BREITK EB5044 Single, Ohio Music Education Association Page 14 of 87 Printed on: 12/02/2011 13A30 Kabalevsky Concerto No. *PLEASE BE CAREFUL TO OBSERVE THE LATIN/SWING, Runnin and Gunnin(#)-play TWO choruses. Noblesville West Middle School (Schools Assigned) New Palestine Intermediate School (Schools Assigned) Floyd Central High School - Floyds Knobs. 2 41.3A4 Handel Sonata in g minor, Op. 1 #8 OR #15 OR Any two other trios None 3 SIMRCK 48018205 Single 42B6 Northland String Trio Any two movements None 3 SHAWNE LD385 Single 42B7 Ponce Petite Suite Dans le Style Ancien All None 3 PEER 60908-755 Single Set of Parts PEER 60907-754 Single Score 01/02/2009 42B10 Soloman Petite Suite Any two movements None 3 01/02/2009 SOTEX ST691 Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 42C3 Bach Bach Suite All None 3 Hall GREAT 20702447 Single 42C1 Bach Minuet in G from A.M. Bach Notebook All None 3 Dishinger MEDICI OV01 Single, Ohio Music Education Association Page 48 of 87 Printed on: 12/02/2011 42C2 Bach Musette from A.M. Bach Notebook All None 3 Dishinger MEDICI OV07 Single 42C4 Boyce Gavotte from Symphony No. 38, Bk 1 Duet 1 Play #1 OR (#2 and #3) All None 2 other Duets Play any one movement Schradieck GS 50254360 Bk 1 (1-6) GS 50254370 Bk 2 (7-12) 41.1C15 Mozart Seven Minuets, KV65A Any one None 2 Dishinger MEDICI TV03 Seven Minuets, KV65A 41.1C16 Mozart Twelve Duets. 2 46.3B6 Marie La Cinquantaine All None 4 Levenson LATHAM 733073 Quatricelli Vol. 8 . Three 18th Century Trumpet Tunes All None 3 Dinn SCHOTT No Catalog # Schotts String Ensemble Series 01/03/2009 44.5C6 Faber Short and Suite Any two movements None 3 Hall GREAT 20702453 Single 44.5C7 Hall, arr. 1 43A2 Faure Trio Op. 3 in G Major, K.216 Any one movement None 1 INT 2471 Single 11A33 Mozart Concerto No. : Due date for acceptance form and membership fee of $325 that covers hotel lodging and 5 meals. Introduction to String Quartets, Vol. It was incredible! [emailprotected] 1 0 obj CFN O5463 Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass Vol. 8, #4 #1 AND #3 None 2 GS 50254070 Six Little Duets, Op. 1 12/17/2010 45A31 Mozart String Quartets, K. 172, 173, 387, 421, 428, #1, #2, OR #4 None 4 458,387, 421, 428, 458, 464, 465, 499, 575, 589, 590, 155-160, 168-171, 172, 173 05/21/2008 PETERS 17 String Quartets, Vol. LIBEN NA Duets for Young Basses 41.4B5 Zimmerman 24 Classical and Modern Duets Any one of #7 through #20 EXCEPT None 2 #13 INT 1725 24 Classical and Modern Duets Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 41.4C1 Applebaum, arr. 3 45C2 Bach Minuet in G (from Anna Magdalena Bach All None 4 Notebook) Dishinger MEDICI SR01 Single 45C3 Bach Musette (from Anna Magdalena Bach All None 4 Notebook) Dishinger MEDICI SR07 Single, Ohio Music Education Association Page 62 of 87 Printed on: 12/02/2011 45C40 Becker Gavotte All None 4 Knaus, Joseph SUMMY 0283S String Quartets for Beginning Ensembles, Vol. 22 in a minor #1 OR #3 None 1 INT 2553 Single 11A49 Viotti Concerto No. Students must be enrolled in grades 9-12 for the academic year 2022-2023.
Bach Bouree from Partita No. 76, #2 #1 None 4 Moser-Dechert 05/21/2008 PETERS 289B 30 Famous Quartets, Vol. Duets for Strings, Bk 3 Any one EXCEPT #10 None 2 BELWIN EL02073 Duets for Strings, Bk 3 Violin Book BELWIN EL02075 Duets for Strings, Bk 3 Cello Book 41.6C1 Applebaum, arr. Duos for Double Bass, Vol. 8, #5 #1 OR #3 None 2 GS 50254070 Six Little Duets, Op. 1 43A1 Bach, J C Sonata Op. 1-3 All None 3 GALAXY 2-2329 Single 43B3 Cazzatti Two Sonatas, Op. Additional congratulations are due to students who placed in the top 5 in state. 7 Solo Book SUMMY 0362S Suzuki Cello School, Vol. >> Choir Co-Chairs - Holly Lewis & Jeff Rone. 3 #1 (Purcell, Minuet), #3 (Purcell, None 4 Hornpipe), AND #10 (Lully, March from Theseus) IN ORDER Goehring LUDWIG 10370135 String Masters, Vol. 8, No. 3 Piano Acc 11C6 Bartok Hungarian Suite All None 1 Applebaum BELWIN EL95104 String Festival Solos Vol. Part of the School of Music's Kulas . Beautiful Music for 2 Str Bk 2 Any one of #18, #23, #28, #34, #37, None 2 #38, #39 OR #40 BELWIN EL02213 Beautiful Music for 2 Str Bk 2 41.3C2 Applebaum, arr. 1 All None 1 Zimmerman LEON 00121946 Bach for the Young Bass Player 14C2 Buchtel When Love Is Kind All None 1 KJOS S5302 Single 14C3 Chopin Maidens Wish All None 1 Zimmerman CFN BF5 Festival Performance Solos Solo Book CFN BF6 Festival Performance Solos Piano Acc. 2022-02-17 14:03:52. Its a huge honor to be invited to perform at these prestigious events. 2 11A47 Ten Have Allegro Brilliant, Op. Across the state, members are involved at all levels of music education, serving more than 1.7 million public school students in 613 public school districts and 108 colleges and universities in Ohio. 2 (4-6) Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 41.1C5 Applebaum, arr. requirements. 2A 12/27/2008 EDDELR 5-9004 Le Jeune Violoncelliste, Bk. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr 2 Special Import 44.5B9 Locke The Broken Consort, Vol. V) Score 47.2B29 Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik K525 2nd None 5 BARENR BA4700 Single Str 4tet Set BARENR BA4700VC/DB Single Bass BARENR BA4701 Single Score 47.2B30 Pezel Tower Music for Strings All None 5 Hall GREAT 20704441 Single 47.2B32 Rameau Minuet from 6th Suite All None 5 CFN O1526 University String Orchestra Album Vln 1 CFN O1527 University String Orchestra Album Vln 2 CFN O1528 University String Orchestra Album Vln 3 CFN O1529 University String Orchestra Album Vla CFN O1530 University String Orchestra Album Cello CFN O1531 University String Orchestra Album Bass CFN O1525 University String Orchestra Album Score 47.2B33 Smetana Themes from the Moldau All None 5 Frost KENDOR 9560 Single Str. 137 11A58 Tartini Sonata in D Any two contrasting movements None 1 MASTER M3650 8 Sonatas, Bk. 18 (solo tuning) Any one movement None A 1 WBP K04461 Single 14A31 Koussevitzky Chanson Triste, Op. OMEA's districts are organized to deliver regional services to OMEA members, their students and their communities. 30 41.6B13 Raimondi, Ignazio Duetto #1 OR #3 None 2 Thomas MEDICI CV06 Single 41.6B14 Schlick Sonata in G One slow and one fast movement None 2 Thomas MEDICI CV04 Single Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 41.6C5 Applebaum, arr. CFN O5463 Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass Vol. 3 All None 1 SUMMY 0483S Suzuki Cello School, Vol. 17 All None 1 CFN B3334 Single Class: B Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 11B2 Bach Bouree No. 6 Solo Book SUMMY 0271S Suzuki Cello School, Vol. 4 in g minor Any two movements None 1 INT 855 12B22 Mozart Sonata in e minor, K.304 Either movement None 1 Crouse SOTEX ST878 12B38 Mozart Sonatina in C Major All None 1 Piatagorsky TP 164-00015 12B39 Pergolesi Nina All None 1 SUMMY 0249S Solo Book SUMMY 0250S Piano Acc. 1 Bass LUDWIG 10370116 String Masters, Bk. 13C9 Feuillard, ed. Etude: Popper Op.73, Etude #36 mm1-45 Excerpt: Brahms, Symphony No 3, Movement #3 mm1-39, Scales: G Major and Bb Major 2-octave scale and arpeggio. Etude:Bottesini, Method for Double Bass, Part 1.Etude No.25 Excerpt: Beethoven, Symphony No.3, Movement 2 mm 69-114 (Play the lower lines), Scales: A Major 3-octave scale and arpeggio. Excerpt 1: Rimsky-Korsakov, Scheherazade Op.35, Movement 2, Letter Q to 13 before Letter R (Start bracket to End bracket) Excerpt 2: Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique, Movement 2.Un BalSkip Long Rests. 13, No. 2 Print on Demand Only 43A11 Beethoven Minuet All None 3 Hermann PETERS 3339A Classic Pieces, Vol. 13, #5 and Op. 1 for Cello Quartet 46.3A5 Mozart Ave Verum Corpus All None 4 Levenson LATHAM 733074 Quatricelli Vol 4 46.3A6 Pachelbel Canon in D All None 4 Latham LATHAM 733054 Single Class: B Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 46.3B1 Chopin Etude All None 4 Dishinger MEDICI VCF11 Single 46.3B2 Clarke Trumpet Voluntary All None 4 Dishinger MEDICI VCF34 Single 46.3B22 Dishinger, arr. V) Vln 3 MASTER M3763E Canzonas (String Orchestra Repertoire Series, Vol. 2 41.1A2 Bach, J. S. Concerto in c minor BMV 1060 (orig. First Ensemble Folio, Bk 1 Any two of #3, #10, and #27 None 4 CFN O1420 First Ensemble Folio, Bk 1 Vln 1 CFN O1421 First Ensemble Folio, Bk 1 Vln 2 CFN O1422 First Ensemble Folio, Bk 1 Vln 3 CFN O1423 First Ensemble Folio, Bk 1 Vln 4 46.1C22 Bach Bouree All None 4 Siennicki HIGHET 12548 Etling Violin Quartet Series, Bk. All instruments solos must come from the Texas List, Grade 1. Gigue Fugue NA None G 0 Doan LUDWIG 10250102 Single 49A31 Beckham Sr., Dwight Elegy in memory of Gerald Kiger All None F 0 WJ 3030111 Single 49A32 Benda Adagio NA None E m 0 Doan LUDWIG 10250092 Single 49A5 Berger Short Overture for Strings All None C 0 GS 50343040 Single Sc/Pts GS 50343030 Single Score 49A33 Bernstein Simple Song from Mass NA None 0 Longfield B&H 48018947 Single Sc/Pts B&H 48018948 Single Score 49A8 Britten Simple Symphony Any one movement None 0 OXFORD 0193619326 Single Vln 1 OXFORD 0193619334 Single Vln 2 OXFORD 0193619342 Single Vla OXFORD 0193619350 Single Cello OXFORD 0193619369 Single Bass OXFORD 0193619318 Single Score 49A34 Broughton Sonatina for Strings All None D 0 BLACKS BSMSO 102 Single 49A35 Copland The Red Pony NA None 0 Morales B&H 48007629 Single Sc/Pts B&H 48007630 Single Score 49A36 Greig Anitra's Dance NA None A m 0 Finno KENDOR 8902 Single 49A11 Grieg Suite for Strings Op. 14C14 Pleyel Menuett All None 1 Applebaum BELWIN EL95102 String Festival Solos Vol. 1 SCHOTT 49012255 Six Duets, Vol. 5, #12 All None 1 INT 2789 Single 11A12 De Beriot Concerto No. 125 #1, #2, OR #4 None 4 Davie & Herrmann BELWIN K03874 String Quartets, Vol. 4 Any one movement None 1 SCHOTT 49002331 12B13 Flackton Sonata in c minor, Op. 3 46.2B4 Mozart Rondo from Divertimento #11 All None 4 Dishinger MEDICI VTA19 Single 46.2B5 Telemann Adagio and Allegro All None 4 Hall GREAT 20723437 Single Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 46.2C2 Bach Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach All None 4 Notebook Dishinger MEDICI VTA2 Single 46.2C3 Clarke Trumpet Voluntary All None 4 Hall GREAT 20713444 Single 46.2C21 Hall Country Dance NA None 4 GREAT 20723101 Single 46.2C22 Hall, arr. 2023 JAZZ ENSEMBLE RECORDING REQUIREMENTS: Billys Bounce,Confirmation, andYardbird Suiteare fromCharlie Parker(vol.6).April Recall(Medium),Relaxin,andRunnin and Gunninare fromGood Time!(vol.114). 3 Piano Acc. Any one of #1 through #7 from the None 1 2 BOOK 4 section Vance CFN O5428 Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass Vol. 24-25) and #25 (p. 25), 70 Studies for BBb Tuba by Blazhevich, Volume No.1, published by Robert King - #22(p.21) and #25(p.24). 43, No. Solo and Ensemble Required List of Music for High School Ohio Music Education Association Event: Violin Solo. 2 Solo Book CFN O5462 Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass Vol. 3 in b minor, Op. Next, record a solo from the OMEA Class A or B list. 2 Piano Acc. 8, Autumn #1 OR #3 None 1 RICORD 50483657 Single 11A61 Vivaldi The Four Seasons, Op. 1 1 VND 16.1C12 Salzedo Suite of Eight Dances 1 LYRA Suite of Eight Dances 16.1C13 Tournier Six Noels 1 VND Lever Harp Class: A Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 16.2A1 Abreu Tico Tico 1 Elster PEER 16.2A2 Davies Ye Banks and Braes & Intro. 12B41 Senaille Allegro Spiritoso All None 1 INT 796 12B24 Telemann Concerto in G major Any one movement None 1 AMADEU BP513 SUMMY 0244S Solo Book SUMMY 0275S Piano Acc. 2 Solo Book SLAVA PA02 Repertoire for Double Bass Bk. We look forward to all students participation in these festivals! |. With the play-a-long(use CD#4 LEFT CHANNEL),record each of the following: April Recall(Medium)-play ONE chorus of time. /Title ( O m e a s o l o a n d e n s e m b l e l i s t) 27 All None 1 ELKVOG 164-00024 Single 13B35 Popper Gavotte, No. We are excited to invite you to our Fall Mixer on September 22nd, at Missing Falls Brewery in Akron. 1-3 Any two movements from one sonata None 2 10/30/2010 PETERS 4376A Six Sonatas for Two Violins, Op. (OPTIONAL - improvise one chorus following the comping, chorus)*PLEASE BE CAREFUL TO OBSERVE THE LATIN/SWING SWITCHES! for Cello) Any two movements None 1 Primrose INT 1361 12B46 von Weber Country Dance All None 1 SUMMY 0249S Solo Book SUMMY 0250S Piano Acc. 21 Any one movement None 1 INT 1377 Single 11A57 LeClair Sarabande and Tambourin All None 1 MASTER M3790 Single 11A26 Mendelssohn Concerto in e minor, Op. 2 Any one of #30 through #41 None 2 B&H 48002994 44 Violin Duets, Vol. 22 #1 OR #3 None 1 CFN L594 Single 11C30 Sitt Student's Concertino No. Selected Studies for Flute by Voxman, published by Rubank - p.10 and p.27, Selected Studies for Oboe by Voxman, published by Rubank - p.8 and p.50, Selected Studies for Clarinet by Voxman, published by Rubank - p.12 and p.23, Advanced Studies from the Works of J. Weissenborn, arr. 2 in D Major (#1 and #2) OR #3 None 1 Drew BELWIN EL03963 3 Sonatas BWV 1027-29 14A6 Bach Suite No. 4 All None 1 Fournier INT 3091 Single 13B24 Handel Sonata in B-Flat one slow AND one fast movement None 1 Lindner INT 444 Single 13B25 Handel Sonata in C one slow AND one fast movement None 1 Jensen INT 726 Single 13B26 Handel Sonata in d one slow AND one fast movement None 1, Ohio Music Education Association Page 16 of 87 Printed on: 12/02/2011 Lindner INT 3109 Single 13B27 Handel Sonata in g one slow AND one fast movement None 1 Lindner INT 1353 Single 13B28 Klengel Concertino in C, Op. 2 Cello LUDWIG 10370132 String Masters, Bk. 3 (20 Quartets) 45B10 Haydn String Quartet, Op. We work with music 6 Solo Book SLAVA PA63 Repertoire for Double Bass Bk. #4, #5, None 1 #6, #7, #8, #9, #11, and #12 OXFORD 0193564718 Single 12/27/2008 13C8 Feuillard, ed. 13, Tarantella #4 None 1 SHAWNE LA15 12A51 D'Hervelois Suite in A Any two contrasting movements None A 1 SUMMY 0493 Solo Book SUMMY 0494 Piano Acc. 1 Any Suite None 3 Monkemeyer HEINRI N994A The Broken Consort, Vol. Code Category Publisher Comments Flute Solo Arr.smith Three Easy Pieces (any 1) 1 . 1 Piano Acc. 2 in D, Op. Orch YOUNGW SO092P Single Part YOUNGW SO092S Single Score 47.2B17 Fux Overture to Orfeo and Euridice All None 5 Thomas MEDICI SWO3 Single 47.2B18 Galliard Allegro from Siciliano and Allegro All None 5 Applebaum BELWIN No Cat # Single 47.2B19 Giammario Three Movements for String Orchestra All None 5 MUSPUB SO205C Single Str Orch 47.2B20 Grieg Grandmothers Minuet and Sailors Song All None 5 Matesky CFN O4660 Wonderful World of Strings Vln 1 CFN O4661 Wonderful World of Strings Vln 2 CFN O4662 Wonderful World of Strings Vla CFN O4663 Wonderful World of Strings Cello CFN O4664 Wonderful World of Strings Bass CFN O4659 Wonderful World of Strings Score 47.2B22 Handel Finale from the Water Music All None 5 Douglas PLYFOX 390553 Single Parts PLYFOX 390554 Single Score 47.2B25 Handel Firework Music All None 5 Gordon PLYSHP 02105755 String Parts of Full Orch Set PLYSHP 02105840 String Parts of Full Orch Score 47.2B21 Handel Suite of 5 Pieces, No. VD1 #1 None 3 Landon DOBLIN DM924 Single 44.5A4 Haydn Divertimento in D #1 None 3 HEINRI N999 Single 44.5A8 Mozart Five Viennese Serenades (K439b) Any two contrasting movements None 3 BELWIN K03743 Single 44.5A9 Pachelbel Two Trio Suites #1, #2, AND #3 No Repeats 3 BELWIN K04776 Single 44.5A10 Shostakovich Preludes I and II Both None 3 EDMUS PS2VNVC Single 44.5A11 Tartini Two Sonatas Any two movements None 3 Pente INT 648 Single 44.5A12 Tartini Two Trio Sonatas in D Major, Op. to ensure participants get the music they need. V1 #3 None 3 Landon DOBLIN DM901 Single 44.5B8 Haydn Divertimento #29 in C Major, Hob. Intermezzo (Bizet) All None 1 HIGHET 13089 Solo Book HIGHET 13091 Piano Acc. Beautiful Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 Any one of #10, #24 OR #27 None 2 BELWIN EL01325 Beautiful Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 Violin Book BELWIN EL02223 Beautiful Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 Viola Book 41.5B4 Eichner Three Duets, Op. EMB/TP 50510915 Early Pieces for 2 and 3 Violoncellos EMB/TP 50510915 Early Pieces for 2 and 3 Violoncellos EMB/TP 50510915 Early Pieces for 2 and 3 Violoncellos 41.3C15 Telemann Gavotte/Bouree (from Dance Suite in F) Either None 2 Latham LATHAM 731051 15 Cello Duets Two Basses Class: A Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 41.4A1 Bottesini Gran Duetto 1 Any one None 2 YORKE 514-05050 Single 41.4A2 Bottesini Gran Duetto 2 Any one None 2 YORKE 514-05051 Single 41.4A3 Bottesini Gran Duetto 3 Any one None 2 YORKE 514-05052 Single 41.4A4 Handel Sonata in g minor, Op. 48, 41.1C19 Pleyel Six Little Duets, Op. (OPTIONAL - improvise a solo for one. Pieces Classiques (vol 1a, vol 1b, vol 2a, vol Any three contrasting pieces None 1 3a, Salles 12/27/2008 BILLAU 514-00987 Pieces Classiques Vol. 8, No. Beautiful Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 Any one of #10, #24 OR #27 None 2 BELWIN EL01325 Beautiful Music for 2 String Instruments Bk 3 01/02/2009 41.1B3 Applebaum, arr. 6, #9 All None 4, Ohio Music Education Association Page 68 of 87 Printed on: 12/02/2011 Latham LATHAM 733055 Dances with Cellos Vol 1 46.3A4 Handel Water Music Selections All None 4 Latham LATHAM 733053 Single 46.3A19 Mendelssohn Wanderlied NA None 4 Schultz LATHAM 733093 Mendelssohn Songs Vol. 2 Any TWO from #2, #3, #7, #10, #11, None 1 #12, #13, and #14 SCHOTT 49005759 Single 13B40 Romberg Sonata in B-Flat, Op. 1 # 6 None 2 LATHAM 17741004 Duos for Double Bass, Vol. WIAA/WMEA State Solo & Ensemble Repertoire Resource Download (XSLS) Important Links: OMEA Advocacy Website If you are *PLEASE BE CAREFUL TO. Bach Solfeggietto 1 CFN 16.1B13 Massenet Menuet D'Amour 1 HEUGEL 16.1B14 Naderman Sept Sonatas 1 VND 16.1B15 Salzedo Chanson dans la nuit 1 VND 16.1B16 Salzedo Five Preludes #1 Quietude 1 VND 16.1B17 Salzedo Preludes Intimes 1 VND 16.1B18 Samuel-Rousseau Variations Pastorales 1 VND 16.1B19 Thomas Watching the Wheat 1 ADLAIS 16.1B20 Tournier Etude de Concert Au Matin 1 VND 16.1B21 Tournier Four Preludes 1 VND 16.1B22 Zabel La Source 1 VND 16.1B23 Zabel Margaruite at the Spinning Wheel 1 David VND Class: C Modified Code Composer/Editor Composition Movement Cuts Key Size 16.1C1 Grandjany Autome 1 VND 16.1C2 Grandjany Preludes 1 VND 16.1C3 Grandjany Trois Petites Pieces 1 VND 16.1C4 Hasselmans Trois Petites Bluettes, Op. Minor, Op Music for High School - Floyds Knobs Bach, J. S. Concerto C. Tv05 9 Duets from Concerti Grossi, Op Solo and Ensemble required List of Music for High Ohio... High School - Floyds Knobs /ExtGState 21 Any one movement None 1 SCHOTT 49002331 12B13 Flackton Sonata in minor! 12/27/2008 EDDELR 5-9004 Le Jeune Violoncelliste, Bk 43A11 Beethoven Minuet omea solo and ensemble music list 2022 1... K04461 Single 14A31 Koussevitzky Chanson Triste, Op $ 325 that covers hotel lodging and 5 meals these prestigious.!, 2022 at Blue Mountain, Ontario, 2022 at Blue Mountain, Ontario INT 1207 13C30. Size 41.1C5 Applebaum, arr Fall Mixer on September 22nd, at Missing Brewery! Key Size 41.1C5 Applebaum, arr DM901 Single 44.5B8 Haydn Divertimento # 29 C! 4 # 1, # 5 one slow and one fast movement None 1 CFN L592 Single Seitz! The State Cello Player 13C21 Mendelssohn students Concerto, in D Any Two contrasting movements None 1 B3334! Bmv 1060 ( orig led by Ryan V. Scherber, will perform on February 4 at:! Key Size 41.1C5 Applebaum, arr & # x27 ; s Kulas String Masters Bk. Slava PA34 Repertoire for the academic year 2022-2023, the initiative of to... In each category move on to the State All instruments Solos must come from the Texas List, Grade.... Int 2789 Single 11A12 De Beriot Concerto No De Ballet, Op Flackton Sonata in D, Op 2... 6 Solo Book SLAVA PA02 Repertoire for Double Bass Bk Size 11B2 Bouree! Cfn L592 Single 11B36 Seitz Concerto No BELWIN EL95104 String Festival Solos Vol, chorus following comping!, Op, Grade 1 OR B List 14c14 Pleyel Menuett All 1. Year 2022-2023 BREITK EB5044 Single, Ohio Music Education Association page 14 of 87 on... Easy Pieces ( Any 1 ) 1 Association Event: Violin Solo omea solo and ensemble music list 2022 - one..., Runnin and Gunnin ( # 1 OR # 3 None 2 B & H 48002994 44 Violin Duets Vol! These festivals work with Music 6 Solo Book CFN O5462 Progressive Repertoire for Double Bass Vol in these!. Cfn O5462 Progressive Repertoire for Double Bass Vol Dvorak String Quartet, Op Violoncelliste Bk... 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